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Provide women of all backgrounds and across all business levels with the resources, tools, and network necessary to elevate their careers, businesses, and lives. We are a personal and professional development agency committed to the advancement of the future women leaders of tomorrow. 


To build a global network of diverse women dedicated to the advancement and elevation of the next generation of leaders and to work collectively as partners to enrich and revitalize communities everywhere.  


  • Operate with Integrity

  • Be of Service

  • Be Inclusive

  • Be Authentic

  • Be Creative

  • Take Bold Action 

About: Inner_about

Our Story

The F.I.E.R.C.E Woman which is an acronym that stands for Females Inspiring Empowering Recognizing & Cultivating Evolution seeks to engage, support, and educate women by facilitating workshops/seminars, events, and creating opportunities where women unite to network, learn, and inspire one another. We are passionate about leveling the playing field for women with unequal access to career development, technology and economic opportunity. We believe with the right resources, tools, and training women will blaze trails of positive change that will leave a lasting impact in our communities for years to come.

Throughout the year we facilitate a number of seminars & training programs focused on professional and personal Development. We specialize in emotional intelligence in the workplace, creating connections through storytelling, strategic visioning, and how to leverage technology to promote and expand your brand and online presence. 

In 2012, after the birth of my first daughter I became more aware of the kind of woman I wanted to be. As a new mom now responsible for raising a young girl into a woman, I knew if I wanted her to be fearless, ambitious, strong, kind, empathetic, confident, nurturing, supportive, relentless, among many other things then I would have to be the example of those things. That is when the idea for The FIERCE Woman began to formulate in my mind. I knew then that I wanted to manifest something where all of these things would come together to create something great.

In April of 2014 with nothing more than an idea and a will to create a platform where women could come together, network, inspire each other, support and learn from each other, The FIERCE Woman was officially born. I did not know if my idea would be successful, but something stirred inside me and I knew that I had to listen to my inner voice.


I listened to my heart, followed my passion and began planning my first event not knowing if anyone would attend. As with anyone who does something for the first time, I was afraid of failing. I was afraid that I would give it my all and no one would show. But I was wrong. I planned the first event and to my surprise it sold out. What I had set out to do was really happening and it was exciting.

Fast forward to present day, The FIERCE Woman has curated over 4 dozen empowerment events, facilitated countless workshops, connected hundreds of women, honored 20 women over 6 years at its annual FIERCE Woman awards ceremony, partnered with Christ the King Elementary School to raise funds for a new computer lab, worked with its 4th grade class for 3 consecutive years to promote literacy by helping them self publish their own poetry anthology, hosted annual back to school backpack and holiday toy drives, and hosted its annual teen girls summit. With all we've done in such a short amount of time we are committed to doing more, helping more, & giving more.

For us at The FIERCE Woman this is just the beginning.

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