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Manifest the Vision 2018: More Than Just a Workshop

Every year since 2014 I have facilitated my annual vision board workshop. What initially started as a gathering of me and my closest girlfriends has evolved into something bigger than I've ever imagined. Women from all over the NY/NJ tri-state area await anxiously for me to host my workshops. This year more than any other, demand has been overwhelmingly high. So much, that I had to add two more workshops in order to accommodate all the women who want to attend.

On January 7th at the Mott Haven Bar in the Bronx, I hosted the first workshop of the year. The ladies came focused and ready to work, but more than that they allowed themselves to be open, vulnerable, and truly connect with each other. What always surprises me about these workshops is that although the workshop is primarily centered on setting goals, developing systems for implementation, and creating strategies that will help keep them focused and on track there is also a healing component that happens organically as a result of the women I attract.

The room somehow transforms into a safe space where the women feel comfortable to share their most intimate experiences. Women who walked in as strangers, leave as friends. One of the attendees revealed that she had been involved in an abusive relationship for the past 12 years. She broke down in tears as she recounted how that relationship broke her, how she had lost herself, and how this year she was reclaiming her power. It was an unexpected moment, but the other attendees were so moved by her vulnerability that each felt compelled to share words of encouragement and spoke life back into her.

It is in those moments that I am reminded of how connected we all are. I am reminded of our humanity and the responsibility we have to ourselves and to each other to take care of one another. Each of us has a unique part to play in the healing of the world and though many are called, so few of us ever follow our calling. What I have learned in this life and through my own journey, is that the measure of a person's greatness isn't defined by what they have, or how popular they are, or how deep their pockets are. A person's greatness is measured by the many people they have helped and the lives they've influenced and impacted along the way.

When we use our gifts and talents to be of service to others, in our own way we are changing the vibration of the world. God equips us so that we can spread HER message and spread HER love everywhere we go; be it through our art, our words, and our experiences it is our duty to use ourselves as vessels of healing for others. Because what we do for ourselves dies with us but, what we do for others becomes our legacy. We only get one chance at life. There are no do overs once we're gone. So do what you can with what you have for as many people as you can reach. Because to be of service is the reason you were born. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.


All photos courtesy of Angie LM Vasquez Photography

Instagram: @Angielmv


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